Jux REaD
Wednesday, January 20, 2010 @ 3:32 PM
Note I Hope You'll Read This Carefully.
this is based on wad i understand from that short short 5 mins chat with you
whatever that happened between you two.
first thing you must remember
how old are you? 15
How many years more ahead of you? lots more
now with that mind set
i want you to understand the fact that she IS also 15
what part of a 15 year old's brain is as mature as an adult?
meaning that we've just gone through 15 years of our life.
that is incomparable to the amount of experience that the adults have obtained through their 30? 40? 50? years.
what you're currently wanting is an understanding and always think about others feelings de girl
or at the very least acknowledge your "existence"
but that sort of thing usually comes with age and experience.
She may not yet know what should be said and wad should not be said
This we all experience since we are all 15s
She may say "why you're so stupid de" IT COULD very well be a JOKE or she meant it (but its UNLIKELY)
you may say "i did so much for her but she like.. din even acknowledge me.. at least say thank you"
in a way she is wrong, BUT you should also understand that....
well like i said she is STILL a 15 year old
(sadly we want to grow up as soon as possible but when we're there, we wish we were kids all over again, ironic huh?)
we live and learn. this may very well be a learning stepping stone that we must cross
both you and her.
now there are a few things you could do
1stly u can "forgive and forget"
interestingly we boys DO forgive and forget....
well.... minus the "forgive" part :]
good thing about boys is that we forget bad things that happen
whereas most girls keep it to themselves for a long period of time
bad part about it is we also add the lesson learnt into the "forget" bin.
so we tend to repeat our mistakes. X=
anyways, forgive and forget. but remember the lesson you learn from it.
2nd you could talk this over with her.
talk it over does NOT include accusing each other through the phone or face to face.
talking it over meaning. resolving the PROBLEM. settling things. calming things down.
sorries sometimes does the job, but some girls feel that sorry alone is not enough.
it may take some persuasion and maybe an occasional treat.
(u know these more than me)
hope this was useful :]
anything else? find me on msn la :]
--An Artist Knows Not of Boundaries, but Possibilities--